2019-1 Year
The links below take you to the latest ACS 1 year data on the Census Bureau’s website data.census.gov. Use your browser’s *back button* to return to this page. Only areas of 65,000 or more are included.
Release Date September 2020.
Planning and Development Districts
PDD | Data Profiles |
Central PDD | Social Economic Housing Demographic |
East Central PDD | Social Economic Housing Demographic |
Golden Triangle PDD | Social Economic Housing Demographic |
North Central PDD | Social Economic Housing Demographic |
North Delta PDD | Social Economic Housing Demographic |
Northeast PDD | Social Economic Housing Demographic |
South Delta PDD | Social Economic Housing Demographic |
South PDD | Social Economic Housing Demographic |
Southwest PDD | Social Economic Housing Demographic |
Three Rivers PDD | Social Economic Housing Demographic |
Public Use Microdata Area (PUMA) maps for the state of Mississippi
- Thematic Map of Percent; EMPLOYMENT STATUS – Percent Unemployed
- Thematic Map of Estimate; COMMUTING TO WORK – Mean travel time to work (minutes)
- Thematic Map of Percent; INDUSTRY – Manufacturing